Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Dec 29th, 2008

This may very well be my last post of 2008, unless something else comes along and I have a computer handy. What a hell of a year, and did it ever go by fast. Eight months of it was wasted with the wrong person, but I've forgiven him, and I've forgiven myself. RPSS released our EP, played a fucking show with MBF!!! And are playing one in the future! I've got some rock solid friendships, these people know who they are, and I'm ready for 2009 to be a fresh start... a fresh start without smoking. I've quit for officially a few weeks now, but I have slipped up. I'm ready to be done that, and it's going to happen. New Years Resolution: Keep my hopes up, and keep my head even higher.

Last night was really good. I met Kole, and Conor didn't show and it was cold so we didn't go to zoolights. Instead, the three of us played Wii, pretty competitively, and watched Casino Royale, and ate pizza, and acted like teenagers do. It was pretty cute. I definitely am such a teenage girl when I say that I have a huge crush.

I got a call from work saying that Alia didn't show up yesterday, and her mom called today and said she couldn't get ahold of her, and Mel was supposed to hang out with her Saturday but she never called and her phone is now out of service. This is worrisome. I texted Scotty and hopefully he'll know something about it. Ick.

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